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Delois Carpenter
Executive Director
"I became Executive Director of House of Pearls in 2018. When addiction tries to destroy your home, you have to fight back. It's my belief that you cannot fight this battle without God. This is a war no parent signs up for willingly.
Founded an addiction ministry called "Chain Breakers" in 2016, and through that ministry I became familiar with HOP.
I feel very blessed that God gave me a front row seat to watch Him change the lives of the women He brings to HOP."
Delois has a certification in Biblical Counseling from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Delois is also a Certified Drug & Alcohol Treatment Specialist.
April Thomason
Administrative Director
"God not only used House of Pearls to save my life, but He has now given me the opportunity to witness the transformation He is doing in the lives of the ladies that come through the program. I am so blessed to be a part of this ministry."
April graduated House of Pearls in 2021 and has become an asset to the ministry in many ways. Chances are if you call us, you will talk to April and she will lead you through the process of getting into our program or guide your call to where it needs to go.
Jennifer Faile
Ministry Assistant
Jennifer is a 2023 graduate of House of Pearls and has shown exemplary growth and love of Christ.
"The House of Pearls led me back to Christ. I graduated the program and was given many tools that I use daily to help me stay sober. I am blessed to be a part of this ministry and to witness what God is doing in the lives of the women in the program!"
We are so excited to have Jennifer back on our team at House of Pearls.
Kimmie Schoening
Pearls Monroe Boutique Manager
"I have the privilege of managing the House of Pearls Boutique " Pearls Boutique" in Monroe N.C. Pearls runs fully on generous donations and all profits go to support House of Pearls Ministries. I couldn't do it without our loyal volunteers and staff. I am so grateful to be on staff and I'm honored and blessed to see a glimpse of God's amazing grace and love in the lives of these ladies. I love that I get to be a part of a larger purpose that shines the light of Jesus and is more than just a store."
Kimmie is such a delight to be around. Visit our store at 1855 Dickerson Blvd. Monroe N.C. and tell her you saw her on our web page!
Call our store if you have questions: (704) 218-2168
Sharon Hagler
Night & Weekend Manager
The role of Night and Weekend Manager is a very important and hard role to fill. This position changes often as it is not meant to be a long term position. We assign this role to a "Pearl" who is usually still in the program or can be a graduated Pearl. Either way it is a for a lady who has done exceptionally well and who we know we can rely on to oversee the house in the absence of staff in the evenings and weekends.
Sharon has stepped up to this role and done a great job overseeing the home in Wingate and being there for the women when they need guidance. Sharon anticipates graduating from the program in October and will more than likely move out, but until then she is a huge part of House of Pearls staff and we are so fortunate to have her walk along side us as we mentor and guide the Pearls in their relationship with Christ.
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