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Volunteer Spotlight Spring 2024 - Sherry Griffin


Sherry Griffin - A Beacon of Compassion and Support

Sherry Griffin shines as a beacon of compassion and support for women on their journey to recovery and renewal. With a heart full of empathy and a spirit devoted to service, Sherry dedicates her time to mentoring these women, offering them not just guidance but a steadfast companion along their path to healing.

 Sherry extends her kindness by providing essential assistance, ensuring that these women can maintain their commitments to work and medical appointments. Through her selflessness, she not only removes barriers but also instills in these women a sense of dignity and worth, empowering them to overcome obstacles and embrace a brighter future.

But Sherry's dedication doesn't end there. At another ministry, "A Cause for Tea," she continues her tireless efforts to uplift her community. Whether it's through pouring tea or lending a listening ear, Sherry and her husband Chad spread warmth and encouragement to all who cross their path.

Sherry, your commitment to mentoring, your willingness to lend a helping hand, and your unwavering compassion make you a true hero in the eyes of those you serve. Thank you for embodying the spirit of selflessness and for being a guiding light in the lives of so many.

House of Pearls welcomes volunteers with a variety of skills.  Some examples of our needs include

  • Resale Shop helpers

  • Ministry by mentors

  • Transportation

  • Educators in life skills, including finances, emotional self care, etiquette, personal hygiene, nutrition, and so on

  • House maintenance

  • Grounds maintenance

To begin your process of becoming a House of Pearls volunteer, either at the house or in the shop, please complete this 

online application.


HOP Volunteer Handbook

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